The average price of wage-labour is the minimum wage, i.e., that quantum of the means of subsistence, which is absolutely requisite in bare existence as a labourer. 雇佣劳动的平均价格是最低限度的工资,即工人为维持其工人的生活所必需的生活资料的数额。
Explain the meaning of the rural minimum living standard security system, analyze the necessity and feasibility of the rural subsistence allowances system. 解释了我国农村低保的涵义,分析了农村低保制度的必要性与可行性。
Through the research, analysis the minimum living guarantee, summarize the characteristics that identify problems and solutions to the measures to improve the area of rural subsistence. 通过实证研究,分析大理市农村最低生活保障的现状、概括出特点,找出存在的问题,提出解决措施,为完善该地区农村低保工作献策献计。